Policies & Procedures

At Playhouse Montessori, we ensure that we have policies and procedures in place to safeguard and protect the welfare of your child. Policies are reviewed as required to ensure that they are up to date, in line with current legislation.

1. Accident/injury Policy

The nursery has a robust system in place for risk, and health and safety management. Whilst it is accepted that the likelihood of accidents occurring to children and staff will happen on occasion, this policy sets out to inform parents of the procedures put in place to manage accidents and injuries that occur on the nursery premises. 

Most nursery practitioners hold a paediatric first aid certificate, and in the first instance will deal with any accidents or injuries that occur in the nursery. Wherever possible care will be administered by the child’s key person. The nursery will endeavour to have at least one qualified first aider on duty daily in each room. Where this is not possible, room leaders will advise staff of a nominated person from another room who will be responsible for dealing with emergency care. In the event of an accident or injury, the first aider will administer the most appropriate treatment, and then fully complete the child’s accident form. 

The key person will inform parents on collection if they are on duty at home time and information will be passed to a nominated colleague. Parents are asked to read the accident report and sign before leaving the nursery. 

This is a mandatory requirement (EYFS).

2. Arrivals & departure Policy

At Playhouse Montessori, we ensure a warm welcome and goodbye to all children and families, prioritizing everyone's safety.


  • Parents hand over children to a designated staff member, who records their arrival and any relevant information.
  • Medication requests follow the Medication procedure.
  • Non-parent pickups require prior agreement, photo ID or password, and no one under 18 can collect a child.


  • Staff discuss the child's day with parents, report incidents, and retrieve any medicines.
  • Only known parents or designated adults can collect children, following emergency protocols if necessary.
  • Attendance is immediately updated upon departure.
  • Parents are reminded not to let others in during drop-off/pick-up.


  • Unauthorized access is questioned and the Lockdown policy initiated if needed.
  • Adults under the influence follow the Alcohol and Substance Misuse policy.


  • Visitors sign in/out in the visitors book, per the Supervision of Visitors policy.

Staff, Students, Volunteers:

  • Must sign in/out, including during breaks.

3. Complaints and Compliments Policy

At Playhouse Montessori, we aim to provide excellent care and education, treating all parents with care and respect. We encourage parents to share their appreciation, and we record and share compliments with staff. We welcome suggestions and promptly address any concerns to ensure effective handling and continuous improvement.

Complaints Procedure:

  1. Stage 1: Discuss concerns with the child’s key person, senior staff, or manager.
  2. Stage 2: If unresolved, submit a formal written complaint to the manager, who will respond within seven working days.
  3. Stage 3: If still unresolved, a formal meeting will be held with documented actions.
  4. Stage 4: Unresolved issues can be raised with Ofsted.

Complaints are recorded and available to parents and Ofsted while maintaining confidentiality.

4. Data Protection and Confidentiality Policy

At Playhouse Montessori, we handle sensitive information about children, families, and staff with utmost care. Records are securely stored and access is limited to a ‘need to know’ basis, in line with GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 requirements.

Key Points:

  • Records are kept in a locked cabinet or password-protected computer files.
  • Staff, volunteers, and students are trained on confidentiality and legal requirements.
  • Information about children and families is confidential and only shared with relevant professionals with parental consent, except in safeguarding cases.
  • Parents can access their child’s records but not those of others.
  • Personal data is used solely for operational and regulatory purposes, as detailed in our GDPR privacy notice.
  • Staff can access, amend, or delete their personal records as allowed by law.
  • Confidential staff and volunteer information is securely stored, and they may request access to their files.

The safety and well-being of children remain our paramount commitment.

5. Inclusion and Equality Policy

At Playhouse Montessori, we treat each individual with equal rights and respect, ensuring equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practices for staff, children, and families, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.


  • Recruit, select, and promote based on skills without discrimination.
  • Maintain a respectful, bullying-free work environment.
  • Provide childcare for children with special needs and disabilities.
  • Ensure accessibility and relevance of all services.
  • Value and listen to family contributions to equality and diversity.
  • Continuously improve understanding and practices in inclusion, equality, and diversity.


  • Train staff on inclusion and equality policies.
  • Maintain inclusive and accessible admissions.
  • Conduct fair and non-discriminatory recruitment.
  • Encourage staff to challenge and report discriminatory behavior.
  • Regularly review and evaluate inclusive practices.

Early Learning Framework:

  • Follow Early Years Foundation Stage requirements.
  • Encourage positive attitudes and empathy in children.
  • Celebrate diverse communities and avoid stereotypes.
  • Support children with special needs and from disadvantaged backgrounds.
  • Collaborate with families to understand and challenge discrimination.

Parent Information and Meetings:

  • Provide accessible information in various formats.
  • Arrange inclusive meetings and seek parental input for nursery operations.

6. Infection Control Policy

At Playhouse Montessori, we prioritize the health of all children by maintaining high hygiene standards to reduce the spread of infections. We adhere to health protection guidelines for schools and childcare facilities, outlining exclusion periods, treatment, and further advice.

Infection Spread Prevention: Viruses spread through air and contact with contaminated surfaces. Our preventive measures include:

  • Encouraging children to use tissues for coughing/sneezing and proper disposal.
  • Ensuring hand washing after tissue use.
  • Teaching children good hygiene practices.
  • Using PPE for nappy changes, toileting, and dealing with bodily fluids, and proper disposal.
  • Cleaning and sterilizing potties, changing mats, and toilets regularly.
  • Reminding children to wash hands before eating, after using the toilet, playing outside, or touching animals.
  • Regularly cleaning toys, equipment, and resources.
  • Storing dummies in labeled hygienic boxes and sterilizing them if dropped.
  • Providing individual bedding, washed weekly.
  • Requiring removal of outdoor footwear or use of shoe covers in crawling areas.
  • Wearing indoor shoes or slippers in specific rooms.
  • Following the Sickness and Illness Policy to prevent infection spread.
  • Asking ill staff to stay home if contagious.

Additional Measures:

  • The nursery manager may refuse entry to contagious individuals.
  • Informing parents of these procedures for adherence.
  • Periodic deep cleaning of nursery rooms, with more frequent cleaning during outbreaks.
  • Following government health guidelines and seeking legal/insurance advice during national outbreaks.
  • Maintaining ample stocks of tissues, handwashing supplies, cleaning materials, and sterilizing fluid, especially during winter or flu seasons.

7. Late Collection and Non-Collection of Children Policy

At Playhouse Montessori, we offer morning, afternoon, and all-day sessions. Parents should collect their children no later than the session end time: 1pm for morning sessions and 6pm for afternoon or all-day sessions. Early pickups are acceptable, but full fees apply for the allocated session times.

Procedures for Late Collection:

  1. Notify the Nursery: Parents should call the nursery as soon as possible to inform of their late arrival and expected time.
  2. Designated Adult Collection: Parents should arrange for a designated adult to collect the child if they are running late.
  3. Safety Password: Agree on a safety password with the nursery for use by the designated adult.
  4. Identification of Designated Adult: Inform the nursery of the designated adult's identity and ensure they know the child's safety password. If unknown to nursery staff, provide a detailed description and date of birth if possible.

Non-Collection Procedure:

If a child is not collected within 30 minutes after the session ends:

  1. Inform Nursery Manager: The manager will check for any updates on the parents' routine or contact information.
  2. Contact Attempts: The manager will attempt to contact the parents on provided numbers. If unsuccessful, emergency contacts will be called.
  3. Continued Contact Attempts: If no contact is made, the manager will call all available numbers every 10 minutes, logging each call.
  4. Social Services Notification: If no contact is made after one hour, the local authority children’s social services emergency duty team will be contacted.
  5. Ofsted Notification: Ofsted will be informed as soon as convenient.
  6. Staff Presence: Two staff members will remain with the child until they are collected.
  7. Child Welfare: Staff will comfort and reassure the child to minimize distress.

Late Collection Fee:

A late fee of £30 for every 30 minutes will be charged to cover additional operational costs incurred by caring for a child beyond normal hour.

8. Lone Working Policy

At Playhouse Montessori, our aim is to prevent lone working whenever possible to ensure the safety of our team members. However, in unavoidable situations such as toilet breaks, lunch cover, nappy changes, or comforting unwell children, lone working may occur.

Risk Assessment and Preparation: When lone working is necessary, a specific risk assessment is conducted beforehand, addressing:

  • Safely managing tasks like interacting with parents and supervising children.
  • Ensuring staff possess appropriate qualifications (e.g., Level 3 certification), first aid, safeguarding, and hygiene training.
  • Competency of staff in their roles and knowledge of emergency procedures, including evacuation and lockdown.
  • Procedures for regular check-ins and break coverage.
  • Safeguarding measures for staff and children, adhering to our Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy.
  • Maintaining required staff-to-child ratios.

Insurance and Responsibilities:

  • Public liability insurance covers situations requiring lone working.
  • Responsibilities include notifying management of working periods, ensuring access to a phone for safety checks or emergencies, securing the building, and promptly reporting concerns to management.

Management Oversight:

  • Management ensures lone-working staff are trained in safety protocols, have access to communication tools, and know emergency contact procedures.
  • Regular checks are conducted to confirm staff safety and adherence to reporting protocols.

Conclusion: Playhouse Montessori prioritizes team safety by minimizing lone working and conducting thorough risk assessments when necessary, ensuring compliance with safety standards and staff well-being.

9. Mobile Phone and Electronic Device Use Policy


At Playhouse Montessori, the safety and welfare of children are paramount. To ensure focused care and safeguarding, strict guidelines govern the use of mobile phones and electronic devices by staff, parents, and visitors within our premises.

Staff Guidelines:

  • Usage Restrictions: Personal mobile phones or devices with imaging and sharing capabilities are strictly prohibited during working hours. They may only be used during designated breaks away from children.
  • Storage and Connectivity: Personal devices must be securely stored in the office throughout working hours and must not connect to nursery Wi-Fi at any time.
  • Nursery Devices: Only nursery-owned devices are used for nursery purposes. These devices do not include social media or messaging apps, and any app installations require management approval.
  • Outings and Media: Staff utilize nursery-owned mobile phones for communication during outings and for capturing photographs or videos, which are securely managed and not taken home.
  • Photography and Video: Staff are forbidden from using personal devices for capturing images or videos of children. Only authorized nursery devices are used, and all media are transferred promptly to secure storage.

Parent and Visitor Guidelines:

  • Restrictions: Parents are requested not to use personal devices within the nursery premises, particularly during drop-off and pick-up times, to facilitate focused interactions and safeguarding.
  • Visitor Protocol: Visitors must deposit their personal devices in a secure location such as the nursery office for the duration of their visit to maintain child safety and confidentiality.

Photographs and Recordings:

  • Parental Consent: Written consent from parents is mandatory for any photographs or video recordings of children, used for educational, promotional, or security purposes. Permissions are updated regularly to ensure accuracy.
  • Media Handling: Images and videos are shared securely with parents and used responsibly in accordance with parental preferences. They are not taken in areas where intimate care is provided.

Special Events and Online Learning:

  • Special Occasions: Group photographs taken during special events require individual parental consent before distribution, ensuring compliance with privacy preferences.
  • Learning Journals: Tablets used for electronic learning journals (e.g., Tapestry) are dedicated solely to this purpose, devoid of social media or messaging applications. Routine checks prevent unauthorized communication.

Compliance and Monitoring:

  • Oversight: The nursery manager oversees all media capture and distribution to uphold parental wishes and safeguarding standards. Routine audits ensure adherence to policy.

This policy ensures that all interactions involving mobile phones and electronic devices at Playhouse Montessori prioritize child safety, parental consent, and respectful communication practices.

10. Parents as Partners Policy


At Playhouse Montessori, we value the role of parents as essential partners in their child's early education and care. We aim to foster a collaborative relationship that ensures each child's needs are met holistically, both at nursery and at home. This policy outlines our commitment to open communication, mutual respect, and ongoing collaboration with parents.

Key Principles:

  • Recognition of Parental Role: We acknowledge parents as their child's primary educators and encourage their active involvement in all aspects of nursery life.
  • Confidence and Trust: We promote confidence in parents' instincts and judgment regarding their child, respecting their unique insights.
  • Open Access: Parents are welcome to visit the nursery at any time and are provided with a confidential space for discussions as needed.
  • Support for Nursing Mothers: Private areas are available for nursing mothers to ensure comfort and privacy.
  • Accessible Communication: Nursery documentation and communications are provided in accessible formats, including Braille, multi-lingual options, and electronic formats.
  • Transparency and Information Sharing: Parents receive comprehensive information about nursery policies, procedures, activities, routines, and events through newsletters and online platforms like Tapestry.

Parental Engagement and Support:

  • Regular Contact: We maintain regular communication with parents to build a secure and collaborative relationship for the benefit of their child.
  • Parental Education: We support parents in their ongoing education and personal development, offering resources and information on parenting skills, workshops, and training opportunities.
  • Community Building: Opportunities such as open days, parents' evenings, and forums are provided for parents to connect with each other in a supportive environment.
  • Key Person System: Each child is assigned a key person to facilitate close communication and partnership between parents and practitioners, ensuring continuity of care and tailored support.
  • Progress Updates: Parents are regularly informed about their child's progress and involved in shared record-keeping. Annual parents' evenings are scheduled to discuss progress and development.
  • Shared Learning: Parents are encouraged to contribute to their child's learning by sharing observations, interests, and experiences from home, using various communication methods.
  • Parental Input: We actively seek and consider parents' suggestions regarding their child's care, learning experiences, and nursery operations.
  • Inclusivity: We respect and accommodate families' religious, cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and any special requirements whenever feasible.

Feedback and Accountability:

  • Complaints and Compliments: Clear procedures are in place for parents to register queries, compliments, complaints, or suggestions. Parents have access to our written Complaints and Compliments policy.
  • Information Sharing: We provide information on early years education, children's learning in the nursery, and tips for supporting learning at home. Resources and further information are accessible to parents.
  • Contractual Clarity: A written contract outlines conditions of acceptance and payment arrangements between parents and the nursery.
  • Special Educational Needs: Parents are informed about how the nursery supports children with special educational needs and disabilities.
  • Continuous Improvement: We regularly seek feedback from parents through questionnaires and suggestion systems, evaluating responses to inform policy development and staff training.

Cultural and Religious Sensitivity:

  • Respect for Diversity: We respect and accommodate families' diverse religious and cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and practices.

At Playhouse Montessori, we are committed to creating a nurturing environment where parents are valued partners, actively contributing to their child's growth, development, and learning journey. This policy ensures that our partnership with parents is built on trust, respect, and mutual support, ultimately benefiting the well-being and development of every child in our care.

11. Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy


At Playhouse Montessori, we prioritize creating a nurturing environment where children feel safe, valued, and supported in their social and emotional development. We believe in fostering positive behavior through respectful interactions, clear boundaries, and collaborative efforts with parents and caregivers. This policy outlines our approach to promoting positive behavior, managing challenging behaviors, and creating a supportive framework for children's growth.

Core Principles:

  • Safety and Security: Children thrive in an environment where they feel safe and secure. We provide a warm, responsive relationship where children feel respected, comforted, and supported during times of stress.
  • Respect and Individuality: We value each child's individuality and encourage self-regulation, consideration for others, and respect for surroundings and property.
  • Positive Role Modeling: All staff members act as positive role models, demonstrating British values of respect, care, and politeness.
  • Collaboration with Parents: We work closely with parents to maintain open communication, share information, and align strategies to support consistent expectations and behavior management.
  • Encouragement and Support: We praise and acknowledge positive actions and attitudes, fostering self-esteem and confidence in each child.
  • Non-Violence: We promote non-violent conflict resolution strategies and encourage children to handle conflicts peacefully.
  • Empathy and Emotional Understanding: We support children in developing empathy, understanding of different feelings, and strategies for managing emotions appropriate to their developmental stage.

Key Practices:

Behaviour Support Team:

  • Mrs. Hudda & Zainab are designated to oversee behavior support, provide guidance to staff, and coordinate with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) when necessary.
  • They keep updated with relevant legislation, research, and best practices related to promoting positive behavior.

Positive Behavior Promotion:

  • We implement the Early Years curriculum to support children's personal, social, and emotional development.
  • Activities and stories are used to teach accepted behaviors, and children are involved in decision-making processes regarding these behaviors.
  • A key person system is in place to establish strong relationships between staff, children, and families, facilitating effective communication and support.

Managing Challenging Behaviors:

  • Staff use strategies appropriate to each child's age and developmental stage to address challenging behaviors.
  • Physical intervention is used only when absolutely necessary to prevent harm, and it is performed by trained staff following established guidelines and with parental consent.

Communication and Resolution:

  • We communicate openly with parents about their child's behavior, including incidents and strategies for improvement.
  • Confidential records are kept of any incidents involving challenging behavior, and parents are informed and involved in addressing these concerns.

Anti-Bullying Measures:

  • We promote awareness among children that bullying, including physical, verbal, or emotional forms, is unacceptable.
  • Staff intervene promptly in any suspected instances of bullying, working sensitively with all involved parties to resolve issues and promote a positive environment.

Policy Implementation and Review:

  • This policy is shared annually with staff and parents to ensure understanding and support.
  • Feedback from staff and parents is welcomed and considered to continuously improve our approach to promoting positive behavior.
  • Concerns regarding behavior are handled confidentially, and discussions with parents aim to foster collaboration in supporting children's development both at nursery and at home.


At Playhouse Montessori, we are committed to promoting positive behavior through nurturing relationships, clear expectations, and collaborative partnerships with parents. By fostering a supportive environment where children learn empathy, self-regulation, and respectful behavior, we aim to empower them with essential skills for future success and wellbeing.

12. Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy

PART 1: Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Procedures


Playhouse Montessori is dedicated to providing high-quality care and education while prioritizing the safeguarding and welfare of children. This policy outlines our commitment to creating a safe environment for all children and the procedures to be followed in safeguarding and child protection matters.

Policy Intention

The safeguarding and child protection policy aims to ensure that all staff, students, and volunteers are aware of their responsibilities in safeguarding children from harm and promoting their welfare. This includes identifying signs of abuse or neglect and taking appropriate action to address concerns. This policy applies to all children up to the age of 18 years, regardless of their living situation.


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children involves:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • Ensuring children grow up in circumstances consistent with safe and effective care
  • Taking action to enable children to have the best outcomes (Working Together to Safeguard Children).

Child protection within this policy refers to specific actions taken to protect children who are suffering, or at risk of suffering, significant harm.

Policy Principles and Procedures

Cultural and Professional Context:

  • We maintain a culture where concerns about professional conduct can be raised without fear.
  • All staff are trained to identify signs of abuse or neglect, including subtle indicators, and understand the actions to take.

Promoting Awareness:

  • We encourage listening to children and creating environments that foster independence and safety.
  • Positive images of children and respect for diverse beliefs and cultures are promoted.

Training and Support:

  • All staff receive initial safeguarding training during induction and ongoing training relevant to their roles.
  • Regular updates ensure staff are informed of changes in legislation and procedures.

Reporting and Referrals:

  • Any safeguarding concerns are promptly reported to the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).
  • Information is shared with relevant agencies as necessary to protect the child’s welfare.

Child-Centered Approach:

  • Children are at the center of all safeguarding efforts, with interventions aimed at promoting their well-being, confidence, and resilience.
  • Special attention is given to vulnerable children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and those in isolated families.

Confidentiality and Information Sharing:

  • Information is shared only with individuals who have a legitimate need to know in order to protect the child.
  • Parents are informed about our safeguarding policies and any updates.

Allegations and Investigations:

  • Allegations of serious harm or abuse involving anyone working with children are taken seriously and reported to authorities, including Ofsted.

Policy Review and Updates:

  • This policy is reviewed regularly with input from staff and parents to ensure compliance with legal requirements and local procedures.

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)

  • DSL: Zainab Hudda
  • Deputy DSL: Hira Awan / Nagina Ahmed

The DSL is responsible for overseeing the implementation of safeguarding and child protection policies, coordinating training, and providing support and guidance to staff, students, volunteers, children, and parents.

Role of the DSL:

  • Monitor and update safeguarding policies in line with legislative changes.
  • Provide advice and support to individuals with child protection concerns.
  • Maintain accurate records of safeguarding issues and referrals.
  • Consult with external agencies and make referrals as necessary.

In the absence of the DSL or Deputy DSL, contact the Local Safeguarding Partnership (LSP) for immediate guidance and support.


At Playhouse Montessori, safeguarding children and promoting their welfare is paramount. This policy ensures that all stakeholders are informed, trained, and equipped to create a safe environment where children can thrive. By maintaining vigilance, promoting awareness, and taking proactive steps, we aim to protect every child in our care. Our full Safeguarding policy can be found in the nursery.

13. Settling In Policy


At Playhouse Montessori, we understand the importance of a smooth transition for children and their families into nursery life. Our settling in policy aims to establish positive relationships with parents and children, ensuring a supportive environment where children feel safe, secure, and happy.

Key Principles

Allocation of Key Person:

  • Each child is assigned a key person before starting nursery. The key person ensures personalized care that meets the child’s individual needs. They also build a relationship with the child's parents to support the settling-in process and maintain ongoing communication.

Review and Flexibility:

  • If a child bonds more strongly with another staff member during settling in, we review and adjust the designated key person to best support the child's needs.

Information Sharing:

  • We work closely with parents before the child’s start date to gather information about their interests, preferences, and developmental stage. This helps us tailor our care from the first day.

Visits and Sessions:

  • Parents and children are encouraged to visit the nursery before admission. We also arrange home visits or online meetings where possible. Tailored settling-in visits and introductory sessions are planned based on individual needs and current government guidelines.

Support for Parents:

  • We welcome parents to stay with their child during initial weeks until both child and parent feel comfortable with separation. This helps in building trust and familiarity with the nursery environment.

Familiarization Aids:

  • Family photos and photo books of the nursery environment, are encouraged. These aids help children familiarize themselves with the setting and feel more at ease.

Flexible Approach:

  • We recognize that some children may take longer to settle in. In such cases, we work closely with parents to develop a plan that may include shorter days initially, gradually increasing as the child becomes more comfortable.

Communication and Updates:

  • Regular updates and photos of the child’s settling-in progress are provided to parents. This ensures transparency and reassures parents of their child’s well-being.

Gradual Separation:

  • Where appropriate, parents are encouraged to separate from their child for short periods initially, gradually increasing the duration. This gradual separation supports the child’s independence and confidence.

Buddy System:

  • A buddy or back-up key person is assigned to each child in case the primary key person is unavailable. This continuity of care supports the child’s attachment and settling process.

Respecting Family Circumstances:

  • We respect the circumstances of all families, understanding that some may not be able to stay for extended periods during settling in. We reassure parents about their child’s progress and involvement in settling activities.


  • Children are not taken on outings from the nursery until they are completely settled to ensure their comfort and safety.


Our settling in policy is designed to ensure that each child’s transition into nursery life is as smooth and comfortable as possible. By fostering strong partnerships with parents and providing personalized care, we aim to create a nurturing environment where every child can thrive from the very beginning.

14. Sickness and Illness Policy


At Playhouse Montessori, we prioritize the health and well-being of all children attending our nursery. Our sickness and illness policy aims to maintain a healthy environment by preventing the spread of infections and ensuring prompt care for ill children while supporting their recovery.

Promoting Good Health

Home Environment for Unwell Children:

  • We request parents to keep children at home if they are unwell, as being in a home environment is often best for their recovery rather than attending nursery.
  • Staff and other visitors are also asked not to attend the nursery if they are unwell to minimize the risk of spreading infections.

Nutrition and Hygiene:

  • We provide balanced and nutritious snacks, meals, and drinks to support children's health.
  • Rigorous cleaning and handwashing procedures are implemented to minimize infection risks (refer to Infection Control Policy).
  • Regular outdoor access and good ventilation are maintained to promote overall well-being.

Vaccination and Health Advice:

  • We emphasize the importance of vaccinations for young children to protect them and the community from communicable diseases.
  • Information from the Department of Health is shared, advising that all children aged 6 months to 5 years should take a daily vitamin to support their health.

Rest and Sleep:

  • Areas for rest and sleep are provided as needed. Parents are informed about the importance of sleep and recommended hours for young children.

Procedures for Managing Illness

Immediate Response to Illness:

  • If a child becomes ill during nursery hours, we contact their parents to pick them up promptly. The child is cared for in a quiet, calm area with their key person (wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, PPE) until pickup.

Guidance on Infectious Diseases:

  • We adhere to guidance from the UK Health Security Agency and local health protection units regarding exclusion periods for specific infectious diseases (e.g., sickness and diarrhea, measles, chickenpox) to protect other children.

Exclusion and Return Policy:

  • Children with infectious diseases, such as sickness and diarrhea, must stay home until they have been symptom-free for at least 48 hours.
  • Parents are informed if a contagious infection is identified in the nursery. Thorough cleaning and sterilization of affected equipment and resources are conducted to prevent further spread.

Reporting Requirements:

  • We notify Ofsted promptly of any incidents of food poisoning affecting two or more children cared for on the premises.

Antibiotics and Admission Policy:

  • Children on antibiotics are required to stay home for the first 48 hours of treatment, unless part of an ongoing care plan (e.g., for asthma) and the child is well enough to attend nursery.

Head Lice Awareness:

  • Information and posters about head lice are available. Parents are encouraged to check their children’s hair regularly, and to inform the nursery if head lice are found so that other parents can take precautions.

Meningitis Procedure

  • If a child is diagnosed with meningitis, the nursery manager contacts the Local Area Infection Control (IC) Nurse for guidance and support. Necessary authorities, including Ofsted, are notified as per guidelines.

Transport to Hospital Procedure

  • In cases where a child requires hospital treatment:
    • A member of the management team is informed immediately.
    • Emergency services (999) are contacted if the illness is severe; staff do not transport the child in their own vehicle.
    • Parents are contacted and arrangements are made for them to meet at the hospital.
    • Staff remain calm and provide support to the child and other children present, adjusting staff deployment as needed.

Policy Review

  • This policy is reviewed annually in consultation with staff and parents, or after significant incidents such as serious illnesses or hospital visits.


Our sickness and illness policy ensures that we maintain a safe and healthy environment for all children at Playhouse Montessori. By following these procedures and promoting good health practices, we aim to protect children from infections and provide appropriate care when needed.

15. Visits and Outings Policy


At Playhouse Montessori, we believe that visits and outings play a crucial role in enriching children’s learning experiences beyond the nursery environment. These activities are carefully planned to ensure safety and enhance educational opportunities while maintaining clear communication with parents and adherence to safety guidelines.

Procedures for Visits and Outings

Preparation and Risk Assessment:

  • Before any outing, a senior member of staff conducts a thorough pre-visit checklist and risk assessment to identify and mitigate potential risks or hazards for the children.
  • The venue is visited in advance to ensure suitability for the children’s age, stage, and developmental needs.

Parental Permission:

  • Written permission from parents is obtained before children are taken on any outing or visit.

Staffing and First Aid:

  • Adequate staffing levels are determined based on the risk assessment and children’s individual needs.
  • At least one staff member holds a valid paediatric first aid certificate, with additional first aiders as required by the risk assessment.

Designation of Outing Leader:

  • A designated staff member serves as the outing leader, responsible for emergency response, safeguarding concerns, and overall coordination during the outing.

First Aid and Emergency Preparedness:

  • A fully stocked first aid kit, along with any necessary medications or equipment, is taken on all outings.
  • Staff carry a fully charged nursery mobile phone for emergency communication, adhering to the mobile phone policy.

Headcounts and Identification:

  • Regular headcounts are conducted throughout the outing to ensure all children are present.
  • Staff wear nursery uniforms and high-visibility vests or jackets for easy identification.
  • Children wear stickers displaying nursery contact information for quick identification.

Emergency Response Protocol:

  • In case of accidents, staff assess the situation. For serious incidents, emergency services are called, parents are informed, and appropriate staff accompany the child to the hospital while others return to the nursery.

Transportation Safety:

  • Vehicles used for outings comply with all legal requirements, including licensing, maintenance, insurance, and safety restraints appropriate to children’s ages.
  • Staff ensure seat belts, child seats, and booster seats are used as needed. No child is left unattended in a vehicle.

Missing Child Procedure:

  • If a child goes missing during an outing, the Missing Child from Outings Policy is followed, and incidents are reported to Ofsted.

Parental Involvement:

  • Parents may have opportunities to assist on outings after discussion with the manager regarding health, safety, and conduct expectations.

Emergency Contact and Communication:

  • In emergencies, staff find a safe location and contact authorities as needed, including the police if required.
  • Parents are promptly informed of any incidents or changes to outing arrangements once safety permits.

Policy Review

  • This policy is reviewed annually in consultation with staff and parents to ensure it aligns with best practices and legislative requirements.


Our Visits and Outings Policy at Playhouse Montessori ensures that all outings are planned and executed with utmost consideration for children’s safety, educational benefit, and parental communication. By following these procedures, we aim to provide enriching experiences while prioritizing the well-being of every child in our care.


Email: admin@playhousemontessori.co.uk           Contact us on: 0208 764 2564

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